Sunday, March 21, 2010

LEGO Fun...

This week we read about clay animation (I've always loved Gumby) and this seemed fitting seeing how our stop motion animations are due this week. Prior to working on it with my partner I remembered making stop motion clay animation when I was in elementary school. I explained that we spent most of the year studying Lincoln in 4th grade and that we did a clay motion project.
The stories we did were based on "Lincoln Myths"; one of which he had his top hat knocked off of his head and it spilled many important documents (where he allegidly stored papers), which spread through the streets. How much fun it was as a child...and still is.
I had a great time animating a lego stop motion. We had a great time making the scenery and developing the story; the process was a little tedious, but that's okay. In our animation there is a shark that swims up on a man in a boat. The man in the boat notices and tries to shoot the shark with a pitiful handgun. The shark jumps up and bites off the man's shooting hand. The man falls to the ground bloody. The shark continues to circle and the man runs to start the boats motor. The shark leaps from the water and bites the man's head off. The man's body bleeds on the boat while the shark swims out of frame. End.
I hope everyone else had as much fun with this assignment as I did!

Here it is posted to Youtube



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